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Some remarks on the Sacredness or the Sanctity of Images according to the Council of Trent and St. Thomas Aquinas
Henning Laugerud >>>
Mass attendance as a devotional practice. An anonymous 17th century illustrated popular “missal”
Henrik v. Achen (pdf) >>>
Human heart and Sacred Heart: reining in religious individualism. The heart figure in 17th century devotional piety and the emergence of the cult of the Sacred Heart
Henrik v. Achen >>>
“The unmeasured flame of God’s love” – John of Ruusbroec on burning and being burned up
Rob Faesen (pdf) >>>
The Ιcon and its Place in Οrthodox Religious Life
Georg Kordis >>>
Instruments of Devotion. The Practices and Objects of Religious Piety from the Late Middle Ages to the 20th Century
Laugerud, H. and Skinnebach, Laura (eds., pdf) >>>
Devotional Cultures of European Christianity, 1790-1960.
Laugerud, H. and Ryan, Salvador (eds., pdf) >>>
The Materiality of Devotion in Late Medieval Northern Europe – Images, Objects and Practices.
Laugerud, H. Ryan, S. and Skinnebach, L.S. (eds., pdf) >>>
A religion that endures: the medieval legacy in Irish popular piety
Salvador Ryan >>>